
We perform traceable calibration of instruments

Monitoring is one thing, monitoring correctly is another. To ensure that instruments monitor correctly within given tolerances, they must be calibrated regularly. OPSIS provides calibration services that can be performed both in our certified laboratory and at our customers' premises.


'Calibrating a gas' means comparing a known gas concentration with what an instrument actually reads when exposed to that gas. In many cases, the instrument's zero level and amplification factor are then adjusted to match the known gas concentration. For monitoring purposes, there are often regulatory requirements on exactly when and how calibrations should be performed, but it can of course be important that the instrument measures correctly also in process control applications.

OPSIS has a large and well-equipped laboratory to perform instrument calibrations of all the gaseous compounds that OPSIS instruments can monitor. Gases and other reference materials used in the calibrations are always traceable to national and international standards. The calibration laboratory is accredited and complies with the competence requirements set in the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.


OPSIS has vehicles fully equipped with everything needed to perform the most common types of calibrations of our customers' monitoring systems at the monitoring site. This means that the instruments do not need to be sent to OPSIS for calibration, which saves time and eliminates risks of transport damages. Our customers do not need to own or handle calibration gases themselves, nor do they need to allocate their own resources to perform calibration.

Our calibrations are normally carried out under our accreditation, both when performed at our laboratory and at our customers' sites. We issue the calibration certificates needed for reporting to regulatory authorities and other stakeholders.

Watch our video about annual Calibration

OPSIS systems for continuous emissions monitoring have been successfully evaluated by the German test institute TÜV for calibration as rarely as once a year.

Contact Lars H OPSIS 720X480pxl

Do you want to know more about our accredited calibrations? Contact me!