Consultancy Services

We have extensive experience in air quality measurement and reporting

OPSIS has been in business for several decades and we have become experts in both monitoring and evaluating the impact of air pollution on the environment. OPSIS can therefore offer qualified consulting services in these areas.


Over several decades, we have accumulated knowledge of the applications in which our monitoring systems can be used. If you are not sure of the best way to manage a monitoring task, you can contact us for advice. We know what works and what doesn't in a wide range of environments, from the Arctic to desert climates, from cement manufacturing to atmospheric chemistry research. We can help you with both small and large projects, from selecting a single instrument to building national networks of monitoring stations. We have the knowledge.


OPSIS has extensive experience in managing a variety of air quality monitoring projects, both commercial and aid-funded. Our experience allows us to make the right decisions from the beginning, ensuring that projects deliver on time and within budget.

Among other things, we offer:

  • planning and installing monitoring stations
  • operation and maintenance of monitoring stations
  • analysing monitoring results
  • data reporting
  • emission inventory
  • dispersion modelling.

We have multiple references that we can provide on request.


OPSIS has extensive experience in providing various studies related to the air environment, and we can help in areas such as:

  • dispersion studies from given sources
  • emission inventories and emission estimates
  • environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies
  • health risk assessment
  • emergency preparedness analyses.
Contact Bengt L OPSIS 720X480pxl

Do you want to know more about our consultancy services? Contact me!