OPSIS Monitoring Services

Focus on the monitoring results

Owning and operating air quality monitoring stations or instruments for industrial applications can be complex and requires resources, expertise and equipment to ensure the accuracy of monitoring data. OPSIS offers a reliable end-to-end solution that ensures high quality and high availability of measurement data - the OPSIS Monitoring Services (OMS).


The OPSIS Monitoring Services works like a subscription. As a customer, you can focus on the data. We install the systems based on years of experience and according to your organisation's requirements and specifications, and we deliver quality-assured and validated measurement data 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

The staff operating the OPSIS Monitoring Services are highly trained and experienced in managing air quality, process, and emissions monitoring systems. All this knowledge and experience are included in the OPSIS Monitoring Services.


This can be included in OPSIS Monitoring Services:

  • establishment, operation, maintenance, calibration, repairs if needed, and decommissioning at a fixed price
  • all possible spare parts
  • no unforeseen costs
  • accredited calibration available according to ISO/IEC 17025
  • guaranteed data availability, typically >90 %
  • reporting services
  • access to OPSIS' extensive knowledge and years of experience
  • all monitoring data available via OPSIS Data Services (ODS).

Watch our video about OPSIS Monitoring Services 

OPSIS Monitoring Services let customers focus on the data. OPSIS takes full responsibility for the monitoring sites with installation, maintenance, operation, calibration, data management, and reporting. OPSIS keeps an eye on the systems and delivers monitoring data with high reliability.

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Do you have questions about our monitoring services? Please contact me!